home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* SMTP Server state machine - see RFC 821
- * enhanced 4/88 Dave Trulli nn2z
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #ifdef UNIX
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__TURBOC__)
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #endif
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "smtp.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- #include "dirutil.h"
- #include "mailbox.h"
- #include "bm.h"
- #include "domain.h"
- char *Days[7] = { "Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat" };
- char *Months[12] = { "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun",
- "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" };
- static struct list *expandalias __ARGS((struct list **head,char *user));
- static int getmsgtxt __ARGS((struct smtpsv *mp));
- static struct smtpsv *mail_create __ARGS((void));
- static void mail_clean __ARGS((struct smtpsv *mp));
- static int mailit __ARGS((FILE *data,char *from,struct list *tolist));
- static int router_queue __ARGS((FILE *data,char *from,struct list *to));
- static void smtplog __ARGS((char *fmt,...));
- static void smtpserv __ARGS((int s,void *unused,void *p));
- static int mailuser __ARGS((FILE *data,char *from,char *to));
- /* Command table */
- static char *commands[] = {
- "helo",
- #define HELO_CMD 0
- "noop",
- #define NOOP_CMD 1
- "mail from:",
- #define MAIL_CMD 2
- "quit",
- #define QUIT_CMD 3
- "rcpt to:",
- #define RCPT_CMD 4
- "help",
- #define HELP_CMD 5
- "data",
- #define DATA_CMD 6
- "rset",
- #define RSET_CMD 7
- "expn",
- #define EXPN_CMD 8
- };
- /* Reply messages */
- static char Help[] = "214-Commands:\n214-HELO NOOP MAIL QUIT RCPT HELP DATA RSET EXPN\n214 End\n";
- static char Banner[] = "220 %s SMTP ready\n";
- static char Closing[] = "221 Closing\n";
- static char Ok[] = "250 Ok\n";
- static char Reset[] = "250 Reset state\n";
- static char Sent[] = "250 Sent\n";
- static char Ourname[] = "250 %s, Share and Enjoy!\n";
- static char Enter[] = "354 Enter mail, end with .\n";
- static char Ioerr[] = "452 Temp file write error\n";
- static char Badcmd[] = "500 Command unrecognized\n";
- static char Lowmem[] = "421 System overloaded, try again later\n";
- static char Syntax[] = "501 Syntax error\n";
- static char Needrcpt[] = "503 Need RCPT (recipient)\n";
- static char Unknown[] = "550 <%s> address unknown\n";
- static char Noalias[] = "550 No alias for <%s>\n";
- static int Ssmtp = -1; /* prototype socket for service */
- /* Start up SMTP receiver service */
- int
- smtp1(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct sockaddr_in lsocket;
- int s;
- FILE *network;
- if(Ssmtp != -1){
- return 0;
- }
- psignal(Curproc,0); /* Don't keep the parser waiting */
- chname(Curproc,"SMTP listener");
- lsocket.sin_family = AF_INET;
- lsocket.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- if(argc < 2)
- lsocket.sin_port = IPPORT_SMTP;
- else
- lsocket.sin_port = atoi(argv[1]);
- Ssmtp = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
- bind(Ssmtp,(char *)&lsocket,sizeof(lsocket));
- listen(Ssmtp,1);
- for(;;){
- if((s = accept(Ssmtp,NULLCHAR,(int *)NULL)) == -1)
- break; /* Service is shutting down */
- network = fdopen(s,"r+t");
- if(availmem() != 0){
- fprintf(network,Lowmem);
- fclose(network);
- } else {
- /* Spawn a server */
- newproc("SMTP server",2048,smtpserv,s,(void *)network,NULL,0);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Shutdown SMTP service (existing connections are allowed to finish) */
- int
- smtp0(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- close_s(Ssmtp);
- Ssmtp = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- static void
- smtpserv(s,n,p)
- int s;
- void *n;
- void *p;
- {
- struct smtpsv *mp;
- char **cmdp,buf[LINELEN],*arg,*cp,*cmd,*newaddr;
- struct list *ap,*list;
- int cnt;
- char address_type;
- FILE *network;
- network = (FILE *)n;
- sockowner(fileno(network),Curproc); /* We own it now */
- log(fileno(network),"open SMTP");
- if((mp = mail_create()) == NULLSMTPSV){
- printf(Nospace);
- log(fileno(network),"close SMTP - no space");
- fclose(network);
- return;
- }
- mp->network = network;
- (void) fprintf(network,Banner,Hostname);
- loop: if (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),network) == NULLCHAR) {
- /* He closed on us */
- goto quit;
- }
- cnt = strlen(buf);
- if(cnt < 4){
- /* Can't be a legal command */
- fprintf(network,Badcmd);
- goto loop;
- }
- rip(buf);
- cmd = buf;
- /* Translate entire buffer to lower case */
- for(cp = cmd;*cp != '\0';cp++)
- *cp = tolower(*cp);
- /* Find command in table; if not present, return syntax error */
- for(cmdp = commands;*cmdp != NULLCHAR;cmdp++)
- if(strncmp(*cmdp,cmd,strlen(*cmdp)) == 0)
- break;
- if(*cmdp == NULLCHAR){
- (void) fprintf(network,Badcmd);
- goto loop;
- }
- arg = &cmd[strlen(*cmdp)];
- /* Skip spaces after command */
- while(*arg == ' ')
- arg++;
- /* Execute specific command */
- switch(cmdp-commands) {
- case HELO_CMD:
- free(mp->system);
- mp->system = strdup(arg);
- (void) fprintf(network,Ourname,Hostname);
- break;
- case NOOP_CMD:
- (void) fprintf(network,Ok);
- break;
- case MAIL_CMD:
- if((cp = getname(arg)) == NULLCHAR){
- (void) fprintf(network,Syntax);
- break;
- }
- free(mp->from);
- mp->from = strdup(cp);
- (void) fprintf(network,Ok);
- break;
- case QUIT_CMD:
- (void) fprintf(network,Closing);
- goto quit;
- case RCPT_CMD: /* Specify recipient */
- if((cp = getname(arg)) == NULLCHAR){
- (void) fprintf(network,Syntax);
- break;
- }
- /* rewrite address if possible */
- if((newaddr = rewrite_address(cp)) != NULLCHAR) {
- strcpy(buf,newaddr);
- cp = buf;
- free(newaddr);
- }
- /* check if address is ok */
- if ((address_type = validate_address(cp)) == BADADDR) {
- (void) fprintf(network,Unknown,cp);
- break;
- }
- /* if a local address check for an alias */
- if (address_type == LOCAL)
- expandalias(&mp->to, cp);
- else
- /* a remote address is added to the list */
- addlist(&mp->to, cp, address_type);
- (void) fprintf(network,Ok);
- break;
- case HELP_CMD:
- (void) fprintf(network,Help);
- break;
- case DATA_CMD:
- if(mp->to == NULLLIST)
- (void) fprintf(network,Needrcpt);
- else if ((mp->data = tmpfile()) == NULLFILE)
- (void) fprintf(network,Ioerr);
- else
- getmsgtxt(mp);
- break;
- case RSET_CMD:
- del_list(mp->to);
- mp->to = NULLLIST;
- (void) fprintf(network,Reset);
- break;
- case EXPN_CMD:
- if (*arg == '\0') {
- (void) fprintf(network,Syntax);
- break;
- }
- list = NULLLIST;
- /* rewrite address if possible */
- if((newaddr = rewrite_address(arg)) != NULLCHAR)
- if(strcmp(newaddr,arg) == 0) {
- free(newaddr);
- newaddr = NULLCHAR;
- }
- else {
- strcpy(buf,newaddr);
- arg = buf;
- }
- list = NULLLIST;
- expandalias(&list,arg);
- if (strcmp(list->val,arg) == 0 && list->next == NULLLIST)
- if(newaddr == NULLCHAR) {
- (void) fprintf(network,Noalias,arg);
- del_list(list);
- break;
- }
- ap = list;
- while (ap->next != NULLLIST) {
- (void) fprintf(network,"250-%s\n",ap->val);
- ap = ap->next;
- }
- fprintf(network,"250 %s\n",ap->val);
- del_list(list);
- free(newaddr);
- break;
- }
- goto loop;
- quit:
- log(fileno(network),"close SMTP");
- fclose(network);
- mail_clean(mp);
- smtptick(NULL); /* start SMTP daemon immediately */
- }
- /* read the message text */
- static int
- getmsgtxt(mp)
- struct smtpsv *mp;
- {
- char buf[LINELEN];
- register char *p = buf;
- long t;
- FILE *network;
- FILE *data;
- network = mp->network;
- data = mp->data;
- /* Add timestamp; ptime adds newline */
- time(&t);
- fprintf(data,"Received: ");
- if(mp->system != NULLCHAR)
- fprintf(data,"from %s ",mp->system);
- fprintf(data,"by %s with SMTP\n\tid AA%ld ; %s",
- Hostname, get_msgid(), ptime(&t));
- if(ferror(data)){
- (void) fprintf(network,Ioerr);
- return 1;
- } else {
- (void) fprintf(network,Enter);
- }
- while(1) {
- if(fgets(p,sizeof(buf),network) == NULL){
- return 1;
- }
- rip(p);
- /* check for end of message ie a . or escaped .. */
- if (*p == '.') {
- if (*++p == '\0') {
- /* Also sends appropriate response */
- if (mailit(data,mp->from,mp->to) != 0)
- (void) fprintf(network,Ioerr);
- else
- (void) fprintf(network,Sent);
- fclose(data);
- data = NULLFILE;
- del_list(mp->to);
- mp->to = NULLLIST;
- return 0;
- } else if (!(*p == '.' && *(p+1) == '\0'))
- p--;
- }
- /* for UNIX mail compatiblity */
- if (strncmp(p,"From ",5) == 0)
- (void) putc('>',data);
- /* Append to data file */
- if(fprintf(data,"%s\n",p) < 0) {
- (void) fprintf(network,Ioerr);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Create control block, initialize */
- static struct smtpsv *
- mail_create()
- {
- register struct smtpsv *mp;
- mp = (struct smtpsv *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct smtpsv));
- mp->from = strdup(""); /* Default to null From address */
- return mp;
- }
- /* Free resources, delete control block */
- static void
- mail_clean(mp)
- register struct smtpsv *mp;
- {
- if (mp == NULLSMTPSV)
- return;
- free(mp->system);
- free(mp->from);
- if(mp->data != NULLFILE)
- fclose(mp->data);
- del_list(mp->to);
- free((char *)mp);
- }
- /* Given a string of the form <user@host>, extract the part inside the
- * brackets and return a pointer to it.
- */
- char *
- getname(cp)
- register char *cp;
- {
- register char *cp1;
- if ((cp = strchr(cp,'<')) == NULLCHAR)
- return NULLCHAR;
- cp++; /* cp -> first char of name */
- if ((cp1 = strchr(cp,'>')) == NULLCHAR)
- return NULLCHAR;
- *cp1 = '\0';
- return cp;
- }
- /* General mailit function. It takes a list of addresses which have already
- ** been verified and expanded for aliases. Base on the current mode the message
- ** is place in an mbox, the outbound smtp queue or the rqueue interface
- */
- static int
- mailit(data,from,tolist)
- FILE *data;
- char *from;
- struct list *tolist;
- {
- struct list *ap, *dlist = NULLLIST;
- register FILE *fp;
- char mailbox[50], *cp, *host, *qhost;
- int c, fail = 0;
- time_t t;
- if ((Smtpmode & QUEUE) != 0)
- return(router_queue(data,from,tolist));
- do {
- qhost = NULLCHAR;
- for(ap = tolist;ap != NULLLIST;ap = ap->next)
- if (ap->type == DOMAIN) {
- if ((host = strrchr(ap->val,'@')) != NULLCHAR)
- host++;
- else
- host = Hostname;
- if(qhost == NULLCHAR)
- qhost = host;
- if(stricmp(qhost,host) == 0) {
- ap->type = BADADDR;
- addlist(&dlist,ap->val,0);
- }
- }
- if(qhost != NULLCHAR) {
- rewind(data);
- queuejob(data,qhost,dlist,from);
- del_list(dlist);
- dlist = NULLLIST;
- }
- } while(qhost != NULLCHAR);
- for(ap = tolist;ap != NULLLIST;ap = ap->next) {
- if(ap->type != LOCAL) {
- ap->type = DOMAIN;
- continue;
- }
- rewind(data);
- /* strip off host name of LOCAL addresses */
- if ((cp = strchr(ap->val,'@')) != NULLCHAR)
- *cp = '\0';
- /* truncate long user names */
- if (strlen(ap->val) > MBOXLEN)
- ap->val[MBOXLEN] = '\0';
- /* if mail file is busy save it in our smtp queue
- * and let the smtp daemon try later.
- */
- if (mlock(Mailspool,ap->val)) {
- addlist(&dlist,ap->val,0);
- fail = queuejob(data,Hostname,dlist,from);
- del_list(dlist);
- dlist = NULLLIST;
- }
- else {
- char buf[LINELEN];
- int tocnt = 0;
- sprintf(mailbox,"%s/%s.txt",Mailspool,ap->val);
- #ifndef AMIGA
- if((fp = fopen(mailbox,APPEND_TEXT)) != NULLFILE) {
- #else
- if((fp = fopen(mailbox,"r+")) != NULLFILE) {
- (void) fseek(fp, 0L, 2);
- #endif
- time(&t);
- fprintf(fp,"From %s %s",from,ctime(&t));
- host = NULLCHAR;
- while(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),data) != NULLCHAR){
- if(buf[0] == '\n'){
- if(tocnt == 0)
- fprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",
- Hdrs[APPARTO],
- ap->val);
- fputc('\n',fp);
- break;
- }
- fputs(buf,fp);
- rip(buf);
- switch(htype(buf)){
- case TO:
- case CC:
- ++tocnt;
- break;
- case RRECEIPT:
- if((cp = getaddress(buf,0))
- free(host);
- host = strdup(cp);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- while((c = fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),data)) > 0)
- if(fwrite(buf,1,c,fp) != c)
- break;
- if(ferror(fp))
- fail = 1;
- else
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- /* Leave a blank line between msgs */
- fclose(fp);
- printf("New mail arrived for %s\n",ap->val);
- if(host != NULLCHAR){
- rewind(data); /* Send return receipt */
- mdaemon(data,host,NULLLIST,0);
- free(host);
- }
- } else
- fail = 1;
- (void) rmlock(Mailspool,ap->val);
- if (fail)
- break;
- smtplog("deliver: To: %s From: %s",ap->val,from);
- }
- }
- return fail;
- }
- /* Return Date/Time in Arpanet format in passed string */
- char *
- ptime(t)
- long *t;
- {
- /* Print out the time and date field as
- * "DAY day MONTH year hh:mm:ss ZONE"
- */
- register struct tm *ltm;
- static char tz[4];
- static char str[40];
- char *p, *getenv();
- /* Read the system time */
- ltm = localtime(t);
- if (*tz == '\0')
- if ((p = getenv("TZ")) == NULL)
- strcpy(tz,"UTC");
- else
- strncpy(tz,p,3);
- /* rfc 822 format */
- sprintf(str,"%s, %.2d %s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %.3s\n",
- Days[ltm->tm_wday],
- ltm->tm_mday,
- Months[ltm->tm_mon],
- ltm->tm_year,
- ltm->tm_hour,
- ltm->tm_min,
- ltm->tm_sec,
- tz);
- return(str);
- }
- long
- get_msgid()
- {
- char sfilename[LINELEN];
- char s[20];
- register long sequence = 0;
- FILE *sfile;
- sprintf(sfilename,"%s/sequence.seq",Mailqdir);
- sfile = fopen(sfilename,READ_TEXT);
- /* if sequence file exists, get the value, otherwise set it */
- if (sfile != NULL) {
- (void) fgets(s,sizeof(s),sfile);
- sequence = atol(s);
- /* Keep it in range of and 8 digit number to use for dos name prefix. */
- if (sequence < 0L || sequence > 99999999L )
- sequence = 0;
- fclose(sfile);
- }
- /* increment sequence number, and write to sequence file */
- sfile = fopen(sfilename,WRITE_TEXT);
- fprintf(sfile,"%ld",++sequence);
- fclose(sfile);
- return sequence;
- }
- #ifdef MSDOS
- /* Illegal characters in a DOS filename */
- static char baddoschars[] = "\"[]:|<>+=;,";
- #endif
- /* test if mail address is valid */
- int
- validate_address(s)
- char *s;
- {
- char *cp;
- int32 addr;
- /* if address has @ in it the check dest address */
- if ((cp = strrchr(s,'@')) != NULLCHAR) {
- cp++;
- /* 1st check if its our hostname
- * if not then check the hosts file and see
- * if we can resolve ther address to a know site
- * or one of our aliases
- */
- if (strcmp(cp,Hostname) != 0) {
- if ((addr = mailroute(cp)) == 0
- && (Smtpmode & QUEUE) == 0)
- return BADADDR;
- if (ismyaddr(addr) == NULLIF)
- return DOMAIN;
- }
- /* on a local address remove the host name part */
- *--cp = '\0';
- }
- /* if using an external router leave address alone */
- if ((Smtpmode & QUEUE) != 0)
- return LOCAL;
- /* check for the user%host hack */
- if ((cp = strrchr(s,'%')) != NULLCHAR) {
- *cp = '@';
- cp++;
- /* reroute based on host name following the % seperator */
- if (mailroute(cp) == 0)
- return BADADDR;
- else
- return DOMAIN;
- }
- #ifdef MSDOS /* dos file name checks */
- /* Check for characters illegal in MS-DOS file names */
- for(cp = baddoschars;*cp != '\0';cp++){
- if(strchr(s,*cp) != NULLCHAR)
- return BADADDR;
- }
- #endif
- return LOCAL;
- }
- /* place a mail job in the outbound queue */
- int
- queuejob(dfile,host,to,from)
- FILE *dfile;
- char *host;
- struct list *to;
- char *from;
- {
- FILE *fp;
- struct list *ap;
- char tmpstring[50], prefix[9], buf[LINELEN];
- register int cnt;
- sprintf(prefix,"%ld",get_msgid());
- mlock(Mailqdir,prefix);
- sprintf(tmpstring,"%s/%s.txt",Mailqdir,prefix);
- if((fp = fopen(tmpstring,WRITE_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
- (void) rmlock(Mailqdir,prefix);
- return 1;
- }
- while((cnt = fread(buf, 1, LINELEN, dfile)) > 0)
- if(fwrite(buf, 1, cnt, fp) != cnt)
- break;
- if(ferror(fp)){
- fclose(fp);
- (void) rmlock(Mailqdir,prefix);
- return 1;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- sprintf(tmpstring,"%s/%s.wrk",Mailqdir,prefix);
- if((fp = fopen(tmpstring,WRITE_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
- (void) rmlock(Mailqdir,prefix);
- return 1;
- }
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n%s\n",host,from);
- for(ap = to; ap != NULLLIST; ap = ap->next) {
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",ap->val);
- smtplog("queue job %s To: %s From: %s",prefix,ap->val,from);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- (void) rmlock(Mailqdir,prefix);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Deliver mail to the appropriate mail boxes */
- static int
- router_queue(data,from,to)
- FILE *data;
- char *from;
- struct list *to;
- {
- int c;
- register struct list *ap;
- FILE *fp;
- char tmpstring[50];
- char prefix[9];
- sprintf(prefix,"%ld",get_msgid());
- mlock(Routeqdir,prefix);
- sprintf(tmpstring,"%s/%s.txt",Routeqdir,prefix);
- if((fp = fopen(tmpstring,WRITE_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
- (void) rmlock(Routeqdir,prefix);
- return 1;
- }
- rewind(data);
- while((c = getc(data)) != EOF)
- if(putc(c,fp) == EOF)
- break;
- if(ferror(fp)){
- fclose(fp);
- (void) rmlock(Routeqdir,prefix);
- return 1;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- sprintf(tmpstring,"%s/%s.wrk",Routeqdir,prefix);
- if((fp = fopen(tmpstring,WRITE_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
- (void) rmlock(Routeqdir,prefix);
- return 1;
- }
- fprintf(fp,"From: %s\n",from);
- for(ap = to;ap != NULLLIST;ap = ap->next) {
- fprintf(fp,"To: %s\n",ap->val);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- (void) rmlock(Routeqdir,prefix);
- smtplog("rqueue job %s From: %s",prefix,from);
- return 0;
- }
- /* add an element to the front of the list pointed to by head
- ** return NULLLIST if out of memory.
- */
- struct list *
- addlist(head,val,type)
- struct list **head;
- char *val;
- int type;
- {
- register struct list *tp;
- tp = (struct list *)callocw(1,sizeof(struct list));
- tp->next = NULLLIST;
- /* allocate storage for the char string */
- tp->val = strdup(val);
- tp->type = type;
- /* add entry to front of existing list */
- if (*head == NULLLIST)
- *head = tp;
- else {
- tp->next = *head;
- *head = tp;
- }
- return tp;
- }
- #define SKIPWORD(X) while(*X && *X!=' ' && *X!='\t' && *X!='\n' && *X!= ',') X++;
- #define SKIPSPACE(X) while(*X ==' ' || *X =='\t' || *X =='\n' || *X == ',') X++;
- /* check for and alias and expand alias into a address list */
- static struct list *
- expandalias(head, user)
- struct list **head;
- char *user;
- {
- FILE *fp;
- register char *s,*p;
- struct rr *rrp, *rrlp;
- int inalias = 0;
- struct list *tp;
- char buf[LINELEN];
- /* no alias file found */
- if ((fp = fopen(Alias, READ_TEXT)) == NULLFILE) {
- /* Try MB, MG or MR domain name records */
- rrlp = rrp = resolve_mailb(user);
- while(rrp != NULLRR){
- if(rrp->rdlength > 0){
- /* remove the trailing dot */
- rrp->rdata.name[rrp->rdlength-1] = '\0';
- /* replace first dot with @ if there is no @ */
- if(strchr(rrp->rdata.name,'@') == NULLCHAR
- && (p = strchr(rrp->rdata.name,'.')) !=
- *p = '@';
- if(strchr(rrp->rdata.name,'@') != NULLCHAR)
- tp = addlist(head,rrp->rdata.name,
- else
- tp = addlist(head,rrp->rdata.name,
- ++inalias;
- }
- rrp = rrp->next;
- }
- free_rr(rrlp);
- if(inalias)
- return tp;
- else
- return addlist(head, user, LOCAL);
- }
- while (fgets(buf,LINELEN,fp) != NULLCHAR) {
- p = buf;
- if ( *p == '#' || *p == '\0')
- continue;
- rip(p);
- /* if not in an matching entry skip continuation lines */
- if (!inalias && isspace(*p))
- continue;
- /* when processing an active alias check for a continuation */
- if (inalias) {
- if (!isspace(*p))
- break; /* done */
- } else {
- s = p;
- *p++ = '\0'; /* end the alias name */
- if (strcmp(s,user) != 0)
- continue; /* no match go on */
- inalias = 1;
- }
- /* process the recipients on the alias line */
- while(*p != '\0' && *p != '#') {
- s = p;
- if (*p != '\0')
- *p++ = '\0';
- /* find hostname */
- if (strchr(s,'@') != NULLCHAR)
- tp = addlist(head,s,DOMAIN);
- else
- tp = addlist(head,s,LOCAL);
- }
- }
- (void) fclose(fp);
- if (inalias) /* found and processed and alias. */
- return tp;
- /* no alias found treat as a local address */
- return addlist(head, user, LOCAL);
- }
- #if defined(ANSIPROTO)
- static void
- smtplog(char *fmt, ...)
- {
- va_list ap;
- char *cp;
- long t;
- FILE *fp;
- if ((fp = fopen(Maillog,APPEND_TEXT)) == NULLFILE)
- return;
- time(&t);
- cp = ctime(&t);
- rip(cp);
- fprintf(fp,"%s ",cp);
- va_start(ap,fmt);
- vfprintf(fp,fmt,ap);
- va_end(ap);
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- fclose(fp);
- }
- #else
- static void
- smtplog(fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)
- char *fmt;
- int arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4;
- {
- char *cp;
- long t;
- FILE *fp;
- if ((fp = fopen(Maillog,APPEND_TEXT)) == NULLFILE)
- return;
- time(&t);
- cp = ctime(&t);
- rip(cp);
- fprintf(fp,"%s ",cp);
- fprintf(fp,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4);
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- fclose(fp);
- }
- #endif
- /* send mail to a single user. Can be called from the ax24 mailbox or
- ** from the return mail function in the smtp client
- */
- static int
- mailuser(data,from,to)
- FILE *data;
- char *from;
- char *to;
- {
- int address_type, ret;
- struct list *tolist = NULLLIST;
- /* check if address is ok */
- if ((address_type = validate_address(to)) == BADADDR) {
- return 1;
- }
- /* if a local address check for an alias */
- if (address_type == LOCAL)
- expandalias(&tolist, to);
- else
- /* a remote address is added to the list */
- addlist(&tolist, to, address_type);
- ret = mailit(data,from,tolist);
- del_list(tolist);
- return ret;
- }
- /* Mailer daemon return mail mechanism */
- int
- mdaemon(data,to,lp,bounce)
- FILE *data; /* pointer to rewound data file */
- char *to; /* Overridden by Errors-To: line if bounce is true */
- struct list *lp; /* error log for failed mail */
- int bounce; /* True for failed mail, otherwise return receipt */
- {
- time_t t;
- FILE *tfile;
- char buf[LINELEN], *cp, *newto = NULLCHAR;
- int cnt;
- if(to == NULLCHAR || (to != NULLCHAR && *to == '\0') || bounce){
- while(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),data) != NULLCHAR) {
- if(buf[0] == '\n')
- break;
- /* Look for Errors-To: */
- if(htype(buf) == ERRORSTO &&
- (cp = getaddress(buf,0)) != NULLCHAR){
- free(newto);
- newto = strdup(cp);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(newto == NULLCHAR && ((to != NULLCHAR && *to == '\0') ||
- to == NULLCHAR))
- return -1;
- rewind(data);
- }
- if((tfile = tmpfile()) == NULLFILE)
- return -1;
- time(&t);
- fprintf(tfile,"%s%s",Hdrs[DATE],ptime(&t));
- fprintf(tfile,"%s<%ld@%s>\n",Hdrs[MSGID],get_msgid(),Hostname);
- fprintf(tfile,"%sMAILER-DAEMON@%s (Mail Delivery Subsystem)\n",
- Hdrs[FROM],Hostname);
- fprintf(tfile,"%s%s\n",Hdrs[TO],newto != NULLCHAR ? newto : to);
- fprintf(tfile,"%s%s\n\n",Hdrs[SUBJECT],
- bounce ? "Failed mail" : "Return receipt");
- if(bounce) {
- fprintf(tfile," ===== transcript follows =====\n\n");
- for (; lp != NULLLIST; lp = lp->next)
- fprintf(tfile,"%s\n",lp->val);
- fprintf(tfile,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(tfile," ===== %s follows ====\n",
- bounce ? "Unsent message" : "Message header");
- while(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),data) != NULLCHAR){
- if(buf[0] == '\n')
- break;
- fputs(buf,tfile);
- }
- if(bounce){
- fputc('\n',tfile);
- while((cnt = fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),data)) > 0)
- fwrite(buf,1,cnt,tfile);
- }
- fseek(tfile,0L,0);
- /* A null From<> so no looping replys to MAIL-DAEMONS */
- (void) mailuser(tfile,"",newto != NULLCHAR ? newto : to);
- fclose(tfile);
- free(newto);
- return 0;
- }